Blood oranges, fennel and pomegranate salad

Insalata di arance, finocchi e melograno

After a two weeks silence, I finally come back to the blog.
I wasn’t on holiday but I decided to not publish anything both on my blog and my social networks (just mine, not the ones of my clients) to concentrate and finish a work that was waiting for a long time: my professional website.

I have never spoken a lot about my job in this space, so maybe you don’t know but I am a social media manager and I manage the online communication of small businesses and I create contents for their website, blog and social profiles.

It’s since a couple of years that I wanted to create a professional website, to show my skills and introduce me better to food&wine businesses.

Insalata di arance, finocchi e melograno

People who know me better are aware that social networks and contents are my bread and butter, and I already write about them on Social Destination Versilia, a project created by Serena (Mercoledì tutta la settimana) and me last year in the area where we live.
Having already this blog and the project in Versilia, I wondered more and more times if a professional website could be a good idea. I felt like I would “mettere troppo carne al fuoco” (when you put too much meat on the barbecue, and nothing comes out well cooked). I was convinced when I realized that some wine and food producers I already know hadn’t an idea what my job was. I opened my eyes on this lack of my communication and I decided to do two things: to create a professional website and to speak more about my job also on my existing social profiles.

Buying a domain with your own name and putting your face on it is not a simple thing to do: you want that everything resonates with you, the photos should speak about you, the texts should be light and fluent and should go straight to the point. In this never-ending search for perfection, it’s easy to loose time and the only solution is to have a deadline.
Since last year on my computer in the studio there’s a post-it with this sentence “done is better than perfect”, to remember that maybe  it’s more important to start doing things, even though they could be made better (but I could still improve them later, right?).

And so, in these days I’m adding the final touches, and next Thursday I’ll launch my professional website, now you can have a look at the coming soon page.

Apart from this announcement, I give you a recipe-no-recipe of something you probably already know and love: the orange salad.
I decided to prepare this simple salad to remember you (and me) that blood oranges are now in season.
Sweet and tasty, they are perfect both for sweets or savoury dishes like this salad, where it is combined with fennels and pomegranate which adds some acidity to the dish.
Paired with a baked mackerel makes a great and light dinner.

Insalata di arance, finocchi e melograno


Ingredients for 2 people:

3 blood oranges
1 fennel
extra virgin olive oil
black pepper

1. Cut the ends off the oranges. Sit the oranges on one end and using a sharp knife cut along the contour of the each, removing the peel, and paying attention to not remove too much pulp. In this way you end up with naked oranges and you can know cut them into slices, thick about 5 mm.
2. Cut a fennel into quarters, remove the hard part at the bottom and thinly slice it with a mandoline.
3. Place the fennel and the orange slices on a plate, season with evoo, salt and black pepper. Sprinkle with pomegranate seeds and serve with some wholewheat bread.
4. [Optional] If you like onions, cut thinly a couple of slices, soak them for 5 minutes in cold water and a couple of tablespoons of vinegar. Drain the onions, dry with them with some paper and add them to the salad.


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Blood oranges, fennel and pomegranate salad
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  • Lovely photos of a delicious seasonal salad Daniela. I look forward to your new website too. There is always so much I learn from you. Xx

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